10 Healthy Aging Tips for Seniors

How do you imagine your parents living during their senior years?

Do you see a vibrant, energized person, or do you see someone who is stuck in bed dealing with chronic health issues?

As a person ages, certain health issues are sure to arise. However, this doesn’t mean your parents can’t quickly overcome them, reduce the risk of developing others, and live an active, happy life.

The key to achieving this is to help them implement healthy activities in their life right now.

10 Healthy Aging Tips: Helping Parents Live the Best Life Possible in Their Senior Years

Here are just 10 tips which will help your parents maintain a healthy, active life no matter their age.

1. Eat a Balanced, Nutrient-Rich Diet

Getting plenty of vitamins and minerals through a whole-foods diet will:

  • Give them more energy
  • Help them sleep better
  • Assist in warding off infections
  • Help reduce their risk of injury from falls, as well as certain chronic illnesses.

Does eating a whole-foods diet mean your parents can’t enjoy their favorite treats? Absolutely not – if you help ensure they remain as treats – not staples—of their diet.

2. Make Time for Daily Exercise

Working out will help keep your senior loved ones fit and strong, which can help reduce the risk of falls. Additionally, certain exercises can improve flexibility and range of motion, which also keep them active and stable. Exercise can even promote brain health.

3. Stay Connected to Family and Friends

It can be easy for seniors to feel like they’ve been forgotten and fall into depression. Even though you lead a busy life, take the time to reach out to your parents regularly. Doing so will benefit everyone involved, both physically and emotionally.

4. Always Encourage Continual Learning

Learning is challenging, which keeps the brain healthy. It’s also a great way for your parents to add some fun and even some social activities in their life.

Encourage them to learn to:

  • Take a dance class
  • Learn to paint or engage in some other artistic endeavor
  • Play an instrument
  • Speak another language.

The possibilities are endless. Help them find what interests them the most and encourage them to go for it.

5. Designate Time Each Day for Mental Exercises

Mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness, especially as a person gets older. Learning new skills can keep your parent’s brain young, as can certain brain games and puzzles.

6. Drink Plenty of Water

Do your parents seem constantly devoid of energy? The problem could be dehydration. It’s imperative seniors stay hydrated as it will provide them with energy and help reduce their risk of UTIs.

7. Take Steps to Reduce Stress

Stress can have a profoundly negative effect on heart health. Mindfulness and meditation practices can do much to keep your parent’s heart-healthy and their outlook on life positive. As little as 10 minutes a day can help.

8. Ensure They Get Plenty of Sleep Each Night

A lowered immune response is often the direct result of poor sleep habits. Make sure your loved one gets plenty of deep, restful sleep each night. If they’re struggling, talk to their doctor about a sleep study.

9. Encourage Them to Go Outside Every Day If Possible

Fresh air and sunshine keep people in a positive frame of mind and can help them get a higher dose of the ever-important Vitamin D.

10. Assist with Medication Management

Medication management isn’t always easy, which is why getting the assistance of a family member or home care aide is imperative. Proper management can help your parents avoid ending up in the hospital because of mixed-up medications or taking the wrong dosage.

Help Your Parents Take Steps Now to Live a Longer, Happier, Healthier Life

It doesn’t matter what age your parents are, if you help them take steps to improve their health right now it will impact them in the future.

Unfortunately, many people wait until a health crisis occurs to take control of their health and wellbeing. Don’t let this happen to your family!

Your aged loved ones can live a full, happy, healthy life by putting the tips above into practice. Doing so will ensure they thrive during their senior years.

At Skylark Senior Care, we approach caregiving a different way. We believe in creating programs that support the whole person.

Skylark Senior Care® and the Skylark Senior Care® logo is a registered trademark.

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Phone : (770) 462-4962