Letter to Our Friends of Skylark: COVID-19 Next Steps

Friends of Skylark: I’m writing to share some thoughts concerning Skylark as we approach the 60-day mark of our temporary closing of our adult day centers and the continued shelter-in-place orders for seniors and the medically fragile. The news stories continue apace....
Understanding the Options for Adult Day Programs and In-Home Care

Understanding the Options for Adult Day Programs and In-Home Care

Age can leave anyone in need of a little help. It could be Alzheimer’s, dementia, or any number of other debilitating conditions which cause a challenge. Whether a loved one needs help standing up from a chair, bathing after a long day, or making sure they get enough...
New Medicare Enhancements Allow for Adult Day Care and Home Care

New Medicare Enhancements Allow for Adult Day Care and Home Care

It’s open enrollment time for Medicare for coverage in 2020. An exciting change to Medicare Advantage program is the addition of supplemental benefits that include services such as Adult Day and Home Care. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has recently announced their...
Boomers Want to Age in Place: How Will This Affect Senior Housing?

Boomers Want to Age in Place: How Will This Affect Senior Housing?

It isn’t uncommon for aging seniors to need extra care. In many cases, it means seniors must move out of their homes and into a care facility. Things are changing, though. While a care facility seemed like the fate of seniors of the WWII era, Baby Boomers are doing...
When is it Time for Senior Home Care or Adult Day Care?

When is it Time for Senior Home Care or Adult Day Care?

Senior Citizens are usually considered older adults past the age of 65. Most are retired. There may come a time in your senior loved one’s life when it becomes important for them to get home care or adult day care as living becomes more difficult. Whether this is due...
At Skylark Senior Care, we approach caregiving a different way. We believe in creating programs that support the whole person.

Skylark Senior Care® and the Skylark Senior Care® logo is a registered trademark.

Service Locations

Phone : (770) 462-4962
Johns Creek
Phone : (770) 462-4962
Home Care
Phone : (770) 462-4962