Understanding the Options for Adult Day Programs and In-Home Care
Age can leave anyone in need of a little help. It could be Alzheimer’s, dementia, or any number of other debilitating conditions which cause a challenge. Whether a loved one needs help standing up from a chair, bathing after a long day, or making sure they get enough...
New Medicare Enhancements Allow for Adult Day Care and Home Care
It’s open enrollment time for Medicare for coverage in 2020. An exciting change to Medicare Advantage program is the addition of supplemental benefits that include services such as Adult Day and Home Care. Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has recently announced their...
Boomers Want to Age in Place: How Will This Affect Senior Housing?
It isn’t uncommon for aging seniors to need extra care. In many cases, it means seniors must move out of their homes and into a care facility. Things are changing, though. While a care facility seemed like the fate of seniors of the WWII era, Baby Boomers are doing...
Social Distancing with COVID-19: Caring and Thriving in a Time of Uncertainty
Ice Cream Sundays at Skylark! Are you going crazy yet? Are you sick of Zoom? Or do you question if you ever have to go back to the office again now that you’ve figured out how to do everything remotely. Has your home gotten really small? Desperate for a handshake...