Medicare Enhancements Allow for Adult Day Care and Home Care

It’s open enrollment time for Medicare for coverage in 2020. An exciting change to Medicare Advantage program is the addition of supplemental benefits that include services such as Adult Day and Home Care.

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield has recently announced their new Medicare Advantage plans. They have one plan in Georgia that includes these supplemental benefits. For plan year 2020, we have identified one plan in Georgia that covers Adult Day and there are a handful from a variety of insurance providers that cover Home care.

Check out the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Anthem MediBlue Plus (HMO). It’s the only plan we’ve found that covers adult day in Georgia.

What are these enhancements and what do they mean for you?

Read on to find out how the new Medicare improvements can help you provide your loved ones with even better care at home.

Medicare Enhancements You Can Expect from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield

Here are a few of the enhancements you might be eligible to receive from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield.

Personal Home Helper

To stay safe, happy, and healthy at home, seniors often need some assistance.

Having a professional senior home care aide with them throughout the week will help you or your loved one stay in a preferred, comfortable location.

Personal home helpers can help with daily activities including home-based around daily living and up to 124 hours of an in-home health aide for respite care.

Also, you can’t deny the benefits of having a companion to chat with regularly!

Visits to Adult Day Care Centers

Visiting an adult day care center is extremely beneficial to seniors, as well as to families.

Such services benefit seniors by making sure you’re safe and supervised, all while providing access to caring professionals. Plus, there’s nothing like getting out of the house and spending time with your peers to keep you happy and healthy.

Senior caregivers appreciate these services because you or your loved one is getting proper care and supervision during those times when you’re unable to care for them personally.

The recent Medicare enhancements allow for one visit to a center per week.

Healthy Food Delivery Services

If you have certain health conditions or have been hospitalized, Medicare will cover meal delivery services. Healthy meals will ensure better health and a speedier recovery.

Eligibility depends on certain “health events,” including:

  • Hospitalization
  • High BMI
  • High A1C levels

Medicare recipients are eligible for 16 delivered meals per event, with a maximum of four events per year being covered (which equals a maximum of 64 meals per year).

Alternative Medical Services

The new Medicare enhancements include 24 acupuncture or therapeutic massage appointments. Both treatments can help with:

  • Sore, tight muscles
  • Stress
  • Arthritis
  • Low energy
  • Respiratory disorders
  • Nausea from chemotherapy treatments
  • Headaches and migraines.


A lot of seniors can’t drive due to certain health conditions. Getting rides to and from an adult day care center or to run errands isn’t always easy since most family members are busy working full-time.

One of the Medicare enhancements available through Blue Cross/Blue Shield is transportation. You might be eligible for 60 one-way trips to medical appointments or to an adult day care facility with this new enhancement.

Access to Safety Devices

Most seniors want to “age in place,” that is, you want to stay at home for as long as possible during their senior years.

One way insurance companies are helping seniors make this happen is by providing access to certain safety devices.

Seniors are allowed up to $500 to pay for things like:

  • Shower stools
  • ADA toilet seats
  • Reaching devices
  • Temporary wheelchair ramps
  • Hand-held showerheads.

Having these devices will keep you or your senior loved one safe while allowing a sense of independence.

Do You Need Help Figuring Out Your Benefits?

Trying to figure out the benefits that you or a loved one has isn’t always easy.

Thankfully, the Skylark Senior Care team can help. The team can talk you through the variety of financing options available through Skylark for home care services. They are well-versed in what’s going on with Medicare and can help you understand more about your plan. Affordable Senior Care Financial Options | Call Us (404) 410-1510

Of course, they won’t have answers to all your questions. Some questions should go to your insurance agent, especially regarding certain details about your plan.

However, the Skylark team will do all they can to help you choose the best services for your needs while ensuring you utilize your benefits as fully as possible. After all, why not use the benefits if you have them, right?

At Skylark Senior Care, we approach caregiving a different way. We believe in creating programs that support the whole person.

Skylark Senior Care® and the Skylark Senior Care® logo is a registered trademark.

Service Locations

Phone : (770) 462-4962
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Phone : (770) 462-4962
Home Care
Phone : (770) 462-4962